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Why Modesty Still Matters...

Writer's picture: Tiphanie Sizemore—New MerciesTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

Wow... this topic is a DOOZY in today’s world. Sadly, it’s highly controversial even in our holiness churches. Everyone has a different view of what modesty is —I’m not here to argue my point of view, to be judgemental, to be mean spirited, or to be holier-than-thou...and I’m not even going to try to go into the specifics of “modesty regulations“...

I simply want to look at the subject of modesty from the Bible’s standpoint and try to explain why modesty is still relevant for today’s living...

(I hope this isnt too long of a post— it’s a very in-depth topic - and while I know I can’t fully do them justice in a little blog post, I want to touch on a few specific verses/topics—)

Ok, so first off, let’s ask ourselves :

What does God really say about modesty??

First, the Bible tells us that our bodies, as believers, are temples of the Holy Ghost. We do not belong to ourselves. We belong to God! We should seek to glorify “in our body” ( or in our outward appearance)

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 19) What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20) For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

The Bible reminds us you can be popular or even considered beautiful in the flesh but in the end, all that is vain—it’s fleeting— popularity and beauty will fade away!! But if you fear the Lord, you are much more beautiful in spirit and that is something that doesn’t have to fade with time!

Proverbs 31:30- Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

So, what is exactly is God’s definition of Biblical modesty??

A quick google search definition will define the word “modest” as “dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention

• (of clothing) not revealing or emphasizing the figure

The word "modesty" comes from the Latin word modestus which means "keeping within measure"

All these are good definitions but I believe it goes a little deeper —-Modesty is about how we choose to represent God with our physical appearance, as well as our words, actions, and lifestyle. In actuality, practicing modesty is an act of worship...

In I Timothy,

Women were the main audience being addressed in 1 Timothy 2:9.

(although men should certainly be cautious about their dress/ conduct as well)

God instructs us to adorn ourselves in modest apparel-

I Tim 2:9-10- “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;” 10) “But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.”

But not just modest apparel on our bodies - but with shamefacedness and sobriety in our spirit —

What is shamefacedness and sobriety?

Well, when we examine the word shamefacedness, we see two main parts—“shame” and “face.” So, “shamefacedness” is the ability for one’s face to show shame, a person who can be bothered by things inappropriate.

In our society today, it does not seem to bother some people to be vulgar and crude. They utter obscenities with ease, behaving in the most unacceptable ways—even in public. Cussing and lewdness SHOULD embarass us!

I believe shamefacedness includes having too much decency and a Godly spirit to find amusement in crassness/unGodly things.

When dealing with members of the opposite sex who are not our spouses, there should be restraint, discretion, or bashfulness. Don’t be forward or flirty with men (other than your own husband) —There is no reason for a woman to have a casual conversation with a married man in private or off in the corner somewhere ! (I’m talking about just for enjoyment/friendship — understandably sometimes we may have to talk to man about a business matter or something equally important) but it shouldn’t be our normal character to be bold, brazen, and forward in our approach to men in general— just hanging around with men to get their attention. We must be careful in our conversations— even joking with men (other than hubby, of course) that it doesn’t cross the line and become playful bantering—or flirtation!!

There should be “shamefacedness,” especially as pertaining to how we dress.

If you have (an older version) a dictionary, Look up “shamefacedness“—you will find these definitions associated with shamefacedness:

  • Bashful

  • Restrained by shame

  • Firm in modesty

  • Extremely modest or shy; bashful.

The idea is not that Christian women would always be ashamed of themselves or their bodies but that they would have a deep aversion to whatever God says brings shame.

The problem we have with this is that we, as a society, resent even the suggestion that women should be restrained by shame of any sort. The message we prefer is that we shouldn’t be restrained at all. Not by modesty, not by the roles God gave us, and not by anyone’s expectations. We see this propaganda plastered everywhere.

I’m sure moms of girls can totally relate- just go to the clothing store and take a look around at the clothing marketed to young girls these days. You’ll find hundreds of printed clothing items with sayings such as:

  • “Girl Power”

  • “Gifted, Intelligent, Rebel, Leader, Superstar” (spells “GIRLS”)

  • “Power to the Girls”

  • # FIERCE

  • “Girls Run the World”

  • “Flaunt It”

  • “Run Wild”

  • “This Girl has NO Limits

  • Girl Boss

  • Girls Rules, Boys Drool

  • Unrestrained

  • Girls are super heroes

and the list goes on and on....

Can you see how opposed these sayings are to God’s desires for women? And we are allowing our little girls to become indoctrinated with this mentality from toddlers and on up —we are condoning the very things we say we are against—And as grown women, we may not be wearing clothing with such messages written on them, but sometimes, some of us might as well have these things written on our faces, judging by our conduct/actions.

Paul says shamefacedness is displayed in how we speak, dress and carry ourselves.

Our modern day culture says assertiveness, boldness, forwardness, and pridefulness should take the lead in your life — be you!! Be your own self!!

So, why would God especially want women to have this distinction of being shamedfaced in their dress and behavior?

The answer : striving to be noticed for our outward dress and forward attitude or behavior will overshadow the quiet beauty of the good works that should adorn a modest, Godly woman.

Seeking to draw attention to ourselves (and having a rebellious attitude ) and having godly character— both cannot coexist in the life of a Holiness woman!

If we find ourselves struggling in this area, shamefacedness is what we need to seek from God.


when we hear the word sobriety - we think about an alcoholic-- being sober or being under the influence-

but sobriety here also means to be intelligent, understanding and considerate—being under the influence of another. If a woman is under the influence of the world's philosophy and the world’s desires, she lacks sobriety.

A sober, or serious-minded woman, will always be aware that her life has an influence on others, whether for good or bad...

If her influence is negative, she can bring reproach upon her family and the church by her actions/dress/countenance. If her influence is good, it can bring others closer to the Lord through her Godly manner.

If a woman is sober-minded, she will be more equipped to be a keeper at home and guide her children spiritual and physically. Guarding one's thoughts is also part of being sober...A sober woman will be alert to the effect of her actions and words on her own future and that of her family. She knows her actions represent God (and if married, her husband) - she will seek to please God (and her husband) and keep herself from any question of impropriety...

Shamefacedness and sobriety are important parts of ‘inward’ modestyl!

I Sam 16:7– But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

A lot of people use that scripture to say God don’t care what you look like on the outside. All that matters is what is in your heart. That is not what God was saying here...He was saying you may look great on the outward appearance, but He knows what you are deep down inside...

We may get the “outside” right in appearance and follow a “set of rules” but God can see down inside our hearts and he knows who/what we truly are—

I Corinthians 10:31...whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

In everything we do, we should seek to bring glory to God... if we are living for ourselves—dressing in any manner we want, acting any way we want, we are not bringing glory to God. We are bringing attention to us! God wants to us to allow him to be the focus!

When we surrender wholly to God in the area of modesty in dress, we are allowing others to see that “distinction/difference” through what they can physically see —our outward appearance —and in turn, they will identify you as “one of HIS” —

Matthew 5:16—Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Modesty isn’t a thing of the past or just some part of old fogey religious traditions !

Modesty is a God-given standard that will :

1. Protect us from the world and its influences

(we must be a people set apart for the Master’s use!!)

2. Give us a defined distinction to where people can see there is something different about us and hopefully, they can see God in us— we can be witnesses for God throughout our everyday life.

3. Allow us not to have to fight some ‘battles’ that we would have had to fight if we didn’t obey His commandments concerning modesty. 4. give us freedom from vanity and pride...

Modesty, itself, is a form of freedom, if you think about it. It is freedom from trying to be noticed or feeling as though a certain style of apparel is what describes or validates you as a person. Modesty encourages us to respect ourselves ; we are too special to be put on display.

We dress to honor God because we are confident— sure of who we are and what we stand for. Because we have a healthy level of self-esteem; we don’t resort to flaunting our bodies for attention because modesty is knowing who you are as a Child of God. When we have confidence of who we are in Christ, we understand why our bodies were formed (to bring glory to God!) and that our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost! And from that knowledge, we form humility, develop wisdom, and sustain our confidence in our outer appearance— knowing that we are pleasing to Christ!

So yes, dear sisters, let’s not fall into the trap of the enemy. Modesty still matters today!! Don’t allow the world to dictate our level of modesty!! We must submit ourselves under the Lordship of Christ!! and follow His commands.

He thinks Holiness is beautiful!

(Psalm 96:9-

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!!)

I would much rather please my Lord and let Him call me beautiful— than to chase after the fleeting, temporal beauty of this world that will just pass away !! Being committed to modesty is one way I fulfill the greatest commandments: to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind, and to love my neighbor as myself...

Modesty in spirit and modesty of the outward appearance is still desired traits of a Godly, Holiness woman!! Outward beauty is fleeting. Inward beauty never fades...

-Tiphanie ❤️

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