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Giving thanks…

Writer's picture: Tiphanie Sizemore—New MerciesTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I just wanted to take a moment to stop and thank God for His many blessings. We are a blessed people. God has been so good to us! Here is just a few things I would like to share that I want God to know I'm thankful for this year.

First of all, I am thankful for Salvation. It is such an amazing thing that the God of all glory cared enough about mankind to make a way that we could find redemption through the shed blood of Christ. I am so grateful for His mercy. He didn't have to, but He wanted us to have a way of escape. It wasn't His will for any of us to perish, but He desires for us to find eternal life through His sacrifice. He wants everyone to accept the free gift of salvation. The whole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to restore the fellowship between God and man. And for that, I am truly thankful.

I am also thankful for the way of holiness. Obeying God's commandments regarding separation and sanctification has helped me avoid many pitfalls and temptations. Being set apart for the Master's use isn't drudgery, but rather, it is a honor to be called one of His. I heard a preacher preach recently on this very topic and he said something that really stuck out to me. He said -- "Holiness isn't a negative; Holiness is a positive!" He titled his message -- Where Holiness will get you. He went through various positive things that living separate and holy will bring you -- but ultimately, Holiness will get us to Glory!

It is a privilege to bear His image when I go out among the world. I am so thankful to have been taught the way of Holiness as a small child. I am so blessed that it found root in my heart at early age. It wasn't just my parents' convictions but it became MY convictions. It wasn't just taught as "outward standards", but I was instructed that holiness is necessary for the "inward" man as well, that my attitude and my conduct must align with God's precepts as well as my outward appearance. You can dress the part, but still not be holy inside. You must have both.

I am thankful for the Holy Ghost indwelling. I am so grateful that Jesus left us "another comforter". One who will give us power and help us walk this daily life. I'm grateful for the times that the Holy Ghost "checks" me and says "hey, you didn't act right." Or "You should not have said that." It is sometimes humbling to have to go back and say I'm sorry, but I would much rather do that on the side, than to meet it again on judgment when it's too late. It is such a blessing to know that God loves us enough to give us extra power and extra help to make it home.

I am also thankful for having been raising in a holiness home by good, Godly parents. Many folks thought Mom and Dad were too strict on us but I am sure glad they were. Many times, I know they kept the Devil away from me long enough for the Lord to break through and help me. They did not just tell us stuff, but they always led by example. They were very involved in our lives growing up. They cared enough to get involved. We never felt like we were inconvenience or a burden, but rather, that we were one of their main priorities. They knew they were gonna give account to God on how they raised us, and they took that job very seriously. I am so blessed to have been raised by such good, Godly people.

I am also so thankful for my husband. I have been blessed beyond measure. God gave me a wonderful, steady, rock solid, Godly man who leads our family in the truth. He isn't afraid of popular opinion- he will do what's right no matter what. He isn't one to be super vocal in public. In fact, most people would say he's kind of quiet, but as his wife, I know beneath that quiet exterior is a wealth of strength and steadiness. He is a man of few words, especially in public, but I feel like God has given me a man of great wisdom. I am so grateful to be his helpmeet.

I am so thankful for my children. I am so blessed to be their mother. God has been so good to us. Time would fail us if I were to recount all the times that God has touched them, healed them and helped them. Besides my primary role as a wife, being a mother has been my second most fulfilling role. I genuinely enjoy being a mom. I'm not saying that it's always easy but in the end, I know that what I am doing day by day is making a difference in at least two lives for eternity, and I pray daily, that God gives Bill and I the wisdom and the grace to raise these precious souls for His glory and for His use.

I am thankful for all my family, my family by marriage, my church-- for all the people I go to church with, for my pastor and his family, for all of God's people, for all the preachers, the pastors, the evangelists, (and their families) for all the people that have a burden to have youth camps, camp meetings, retreats, and revivals. More than one soul has been "pulled from the fire" because they were able to attend such meetings.

In a world so consumed with self and entitlement, let us, as people of God, make a conscious effort to become more grateful. To be thankful in the midst of an unthankful society. God has been so good to us --sure, we all have had our hardships and trials but if we look back over even those difficult times, the hand of God is always very evident in hindsight. Even when we could not see Him at the time, while we were walking through the valley, God was always there! He was just in the shadows -- waiting to catch us should we fall...

From my heart to yours,

Wishing you a Happy thanksgiving!

-Tiphanie ❤️

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