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What is Marriage? God’s POV

Writer's picture: Tiphanie Sizemore—New MerciesTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

For some reason, especially in our society, we see marriage being marketed as a form of bondage or as a person losing their freedom...( I'm sure we all have seen the little sayings and stuff about game over... you are married now. etc. ) but I, for one, would like to push back against that premise. Marriage, when done God's way, can be one of life's greatest, most wonderful blessings!!!

We all have seen those couples who seemingly just can't stand one another. They fight and argue ALL THE TIME! Why is that? I'm sure years ago, when they first said "I do", that that kind of marital behavior was NOT what they originally had in mind. They started out in love -- full of hopes and dreams of the future---But what happened?

Marriage is something that each couple must work at. Despite what a lot of naive newlyweds think, a good marriage does NOT and will NOT come naturally. It is something must be built from the ground up. There are layers and layers to it.

It is something that is so powerful, yet, few people today put much emphasis on. In a world where marriage and family is under such attack, it is high time for the people of God to rise up again and take back our marriages and our homes for His Glory.

For you see, marriage, as God originally intended, was to be a reflection of the relationship between Himself and man. God created the bond of marriage way back at the beginning -- in the Garden of Eden. He saw it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone. So, He created a “woman” to be a helpmeet for Adam.

By this, we can see that one of God’s first designs for marriage is to provide companionship for the man—an intimate, close relationship with his mate. He knew man needed a close confidant and friend to share his life with. He knew that man would need companionship to be fulfilled.

When God created Eve, He made her the perfect fit, companion, and helpmeet for Adam. Marriage was created by God to unite a man and woman for life. Marriage was meant to be a covenant between two people: a solemn, binding agreement. This precept was evident in traditional marriage vows, a man and woman promised to devote themselves to only each other, and they pledged to be faithful and loyal to one another. The wife promised to love and obey her husband. The husband promised to provide for and to cherish his wife... but sadly, so many people today have started to rewrite even these sacred marriage vows. These vows are no longer a solemn commitment before God. They have been stretched and tweaked to fit people's expectations of marriage. And when those expectations fail, sadly, sometimes, so do these marriages.


God desires to use marriage as a tool to make us into better people !!

He wants to teach us to serve one other. We are commanded “to be subject one to another”. By being committed and serving the needs of your spouse, God is actually working on you!! God wanted us to mirror Jesus' example ( remember at the Last Supper? Jesus humbled himself and served the disciples. He washed their feet!! ) He wanted us have that example of humility and service as a reference point. When you serve your spouse with a willing and humble heart, You are becoming more like Christ!!

God designed marriage to empower us to bring Glory to God together.

Two are better than one!! Having a partnership even in the spiritual aspect greatly increases your ability to overcome and be victorious over the struggles of life !!

I can't tell you the times that my husband had helped me through my trials and struggles. His steady strength and strong resolve has been the anchor point for me to climb up out of the valley more than once. Likewise, there have been times that he has been fought, and the Lord has enable me to be an encouragement and helpmeet to him.

God also wants us to show the next generation what a Godly marriage is suppose to look like. It is time for the people of God to once again realize the importance of Biblical marriage and work hard to regain victory. Our kids need to see strong, Godly marriages! Built to withstand the storm!!

Traditional marriage, as God intentioned, between a committed man and a woman, is now up for debate for some reason. This world believes that they can change the definition of marriage, but I am not ashamed to stand and proclaim that just a "legalized union of two individuals" is NOT marriage. Marriage is still between a man and a woman, til death due them part. It isn't up for discussion. It's how God created it!

God wanted the relationship of marriage to give us much happiness, love, pleasure, friendship, and quality of life all the days of our lives. He wanted us to enjoy our marriages-- to serve Him by serving each other!!

From my heart to yours,

-Tiphanie ❤️

( stay tuned-- in the upcoming weeks, more posts are coming regarding marriage done God's way!)

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