Memorial Day in definition is a day set aside to commemorate the men and women who died while in the military service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. In other words, the purpose of celebrating Memorial Day is to memorialize the deceased veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday in May, was designated to be a day set aside to honor those men and women who gave their all and died while serving in the military. ... The difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day is that on Veterans Day (observed every November 11) we recognize all who have served in the Armed Forces, especially those still living.
Memorial Day (known in the beginning as Decoration Day —because people would bring flowers and decorate the graves of the fallen) originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I, the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate all the American military personnel who died in all wars, including World War I, World War II, The Vietnam War, The Korean War, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So, in essence, Memorial Day isn’t really about picnics, BBQs, getting together with friends and family and having fun like we have become accustomed to celebrating it. While none of those things are wrong, in reality, we should take a moment on this Memorial Day to reflect on those have gone before us—those who paid the ultimate price! They laid down their lives for our freedoms!! We have been blessed as a nation to have courageous, young men and women who answered the call to defend and protect our country. My husband and I have read multiple accounts of soldiers who either gave their lives on the battlefield or they were badly wounded and their lives drastically changed in a moment. It is sobering to hear about these great men’s sacrifice to keep America the land of the free, and the home of the brave!! We all should take a moment to remember the sacrifices they have made for us! (And not only them, we must also acknowledge their families—these fallen heroes often leave behind courageous, strong family members that intimately know the meaning of true sacrifice! ) So on behalf of me and my family, I want to say thank you to all those who have given their all to protect our American way of life!!
But as I got to thinking about Memorial Day, my mind began to wonder into the spiritual realm.
I am not discounting the sacrifices of any of the fallen heroes that this day is set aside to remember, but I do not believe it would take anything away from them or this holiday, if we could take a moment to remember the fallen heroes of the faith as well... Those who have paved a path of holiness and right living before of us. We have been blessed as a movement to have had strong men and women of God who answered the call to defend and protect the heritage of holiness and Godly living. They knew, in order for their children, their grandchildren, and their great grandchildren to have a chance, they had to fight the good fight of faith. Like Isaiah in the Bible, when God was looking for a man or woman to send, they stepped up to the plate and said “Here am I-send me!”
They were willing to lay it all on the line for God. They weren’t super heroes. Most of the time, they weren’t even anyone special. They were just men and women who loved God. They saw a need and stepped up and “stood in the gap and made up the hedge”. They knew that what they were fighting for was worth it!! They were willing to sacrifice to see others make it to Jesus! They had an experience with God which enabled them to do the impossible.
I could never list all those heroes of the faith even if I wanted to: men like Bro L.D. Savage, Bro Joey Hight, Bro L.D. Moore, Bro Leon Buzzard, Bro Strickler, Bro Brock, Bro Ralph Cox, Bro Ralph Horton, Bro Bill Houston, Bro Bobby Roper, Bro Mike Roberts, Bro Mike Nichols, Bro Bennie Grizzle, Bro Bill Tinsley, Bro Jake Sumner, Bro Fred Moore, and Women of God like Sis Martin, Sis French, and many, many more...
Some of those fallen heroes of Faith never had their names recognized on this side but they were a huge part of your churches and mine. They were the faithful Christians who gave their all to make sure to leave a legacy to us—the next generation...
We are indebted to these brave men and women of God for their devotion and their sacrifice. They surrendered fully to God and He was able to receive glory from their lives!
So, again on behalf of me and my family, I want to say thank you to all those who have given their all to defend our Holiness way of life!!
