If you were taken back by the title, don’t get alarmed ! lol 😂
It’s not the kind of “exercising” that first comes to mind!
If you are like me, motivation is a powerful thing... I can get so motivated at times. I feel like I can conquer the world... ok, ok...maybe that’s a slight exaggeration—maybe just my messy house! But what do you do when your motivation suddenly vanishes— and is no where to be found??? Just be condemned to have a messy home forever???...
No, ma’am!! You don’t have to settle for that!
or to just be resigned to do enough to “get by”.
That is the number one problem we, women, have when our motivation fizzles out. We feel completely like a failure — right back to where we started at... no matter how hard we try—this is just us! We CAN’T do any better no matter how many times try to become neater/tidier/better wife/mom etc. —
you fill in the blank ...
I’m not a “positive thinking” mind guru but I do believe what we tell ourselves in our own minds will have an impact on our everyday life. If you are constantly berating yourself, cultivating a feeling of being less than capable, telling yourself how messy/disorganized of a person you are, and commiserating about how hard it is to “keep a clean house or organized space”, a lot of times, all that will become a self fulfilling prophecy, unfortunately...
So I challenge you to start telling yourself—
“ I am a neat and tidy person. I enjoy keeping an organized space.” “I like keeping my home clean!” (No, I’m not advocating lying 😂 but for real, talking to yourself/convincing yourself is kinda life changing!)
Phillippians 4:13 reminds us, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Tell yourself that !
Remind yourself - God has equipped me to handle all the responsibilities I have been given. I am the one He chose to enable - I am enough through HIM. Don’t allow the enemy to get you discouraged. You can become a better homemaker!
I am living proof of that! For years, I struggled so hard with trying to keep a tidy home...I wanted it! I would get motivated and clean like a crazy lady to get it sparkling ... only to fall right back into the same old rut...with the same old messy habits.
I desperately wanted to be different. I didn’t like that messy version of me. I felt like I was falling short of the roles God had given me as a wife, mom, and keeper of my home...I also felt like the messiness around me always made me “in a mood” with the kids because I was constantly getting after them for making bigger and bigger messes. I didn’t want to always be fussing about one thing or another—but I didn’t like living in chaos.
I was looking at the Bible and some other resources on how to become a tidier, more organized homemaker. I discovered first off, it’s God that helps us! We can’t miraculously change on our own. ( we may temporarily—but eventually, we all resort back to default settings! lol 😂) but if we give it to God, He can make us to have lasting, positive changes in our homes. So the first step, ask God for help!
Next, you have got to have a set schedule or routine... No plan—No win! Now, this plan doesn’t have to be set in stone or inflexible... but just by having an outline of a general plan, you will see an huge difference in your home. Ok, so you want to have a clean kitchen? Determine to make a plan to always do the dishes/load dishwasher immediately after mealtimes and sweep the floors. Having a clean sink with no dirty dishes piled up all around it and having a swept floor alone will go a long way in improving the overall look/feel of your kitchen.
Stay focus on the main tasks!! Don’t get sidetracked by menial, small, insignificant chores that take up all your time—just focus on your few main tasks first!!
It’s like building blocks— you have got to have a foundation to build on— you can’t go from disorganized chaos one day to perfect tidiness/cleanliness the next by just desire alone. It is a process.
So like I said, start with those two small tasks being done each day without fail ... Slowly add in another and another. Before too long, those two small tasks have morphed into a few more and before you know it, your kitchen is consistently staying tidier...
When you can get one area of your home under control and maintained on a consistent basis, it builds your confidence and you begin telling yourself, “Maybe I can do this...” It’s almost like working out —no one ever goes from being puny and weak to becoming a super weight lifter overnight. It is a process. The more you exercise those “tidy homemaker” muscles💪, the more they will grow. Then the more you can “take on” or lift. Just start small and exercise those muscles!! Before you know it, your whole home will show tremendous progress!!
❤️ -Tiphanie