Hello. Sorry for being MIA recently but we’ve been up to a lot lately. We just went to family camp last week and boy, did the Lord meet with us in a mighty way!!! Bro Jon Brock preached the evening services and the Lord used him mightily! But one message really stuck out to me and really has stayed with me and has continued to bombard my mind ever since so I wanted to share these thoughts with you today!
Bro Brock took his text over in Psalm 34:8–O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
He was talking about getting a taste or an experience with the Lord and how it will change your perspective and your mindset. He was saying if our children and this next generation could experience the Glory and taste that the Lord is good, the standards of holiness wouldn’t become grievous to them. Too often, all young people (and older people alike) see are the negatives of church— church trouble, problems, hypocrisy, backbiting, the rules, and regulations, and it puts a bitter taste in their mouth towards God and His people. But if they could get past all that and truly get an life changing experience with God and taste and see He is Good! That is the thing that will sustain the next generation.
He brought out candy bars (yes, I know it was a church service and he put in disclaimers about eating in the House of God) but it made a super visible point. He called up several young boys. He broke off pieces of candy and gave pieces to them. He was asking them if they knew what each specific candy bar tasted like. They nodded that they did. Then he gave them a taste. He asked them if it still tasted just like they remembered it tasting. They all responded with a hearty YES!! He then proceeded to address those of us who have been in this way for some time. He was asking if we still remembered what salvation tasted like.
Isaiah 12:3 Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Do we still remember what being in His presence felt like? Being filled with His spirit?
He reiterated that IT STILL TASTES JUST AS IT ALWAYS HAS! God hasn’t changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! We are the ones who have stepped away from the table—We just have to tap back into the fountain! And get us a big ol’ drink!!
I’m not sure why this message specifically stood out to be so much to me but it sure did! It stayed with me that night and really, ever since! Just keeps rolling over in my head! IT STILL TASTES JUST AS IT ALWAYS HAS!
The next night, Bro Brock preached on “Are you resisting?” And it was one of those serious sermons. The Holy Ghost spoke. Conviction was so strong. There were several backsliders in attendance. It was the kind of service that you either pray or you have to leave. You couldn’t just sit there. In fact, one lady did ended up running out of the sanctuary, but Hallelujah! God doesn’t quit dealing with the soul when a person leaves the sanctuary!! We were privileged to witness the merciful Hand of God in action. One after another, those backsliders walked down to the altar in surrender to the God that pursueth! Then, in an amazing display of God’s grace, the back doors burst back open and the lady that had run out previously came running back in and ran down to the altar!! God had not given up on her… Oh no! He had been pursuing her relentlessly. We saw firsthand, He still isn’t out of mercy for those who have drifted from the fold!
That night, we ended up witnessing 6 backsliders find their way back to repentance. After they all wept their way back through, the saints began to worship and praise the Lord for answering their prayers concerning the salvation of their wayward loved ones. Then the Holy Ghost began to fall in such a dynamic way. Those newly re-saved began to join in and the power of God swept through that place!! It was one of those jaw dropping, “I can’t believe this is happening” kinda services. And again, all that kept rolling over in my mind the whole time, was “THIS STILL TASTES JUST AS IT ALWAYS HAS!”
Wow! So, let me encourage you if it’s been a while since you felt refreshed spiritually, get you another drink of the well!! Take another taste and remember that the Lord is Good!! That experience, that taste is what we are gonna need to sustain us in these last days! We have to be humble and willing to eat (spiritually) when it is set before us!! You know the old saying— you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink! It’s oh so true in our lives as well.
We can be right in the middle of an outpouring of the Holy Ghost, but if we don’t hold up our empty vessels to God, He can’t fill us up.
We have to want to eat! Make us hungry, Lord!!
From my heart to yours,
-Tiphanie ❤️
If anyone is interested in listening to Bro Brock’s sermon directly, go to Flatwoods Pentecostal Holiness church’s Mixlr page. Go to showreel and click on Family Camp Night 2 to hear this wonderful sermon for yourself — http://mixlr.com/flatwoods-pentecostal-holiness