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Taking Back Some Ground!! This means War!

Writer's picture: Tiphanie Sizemore—New MerciesTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

I believe it's high time that we, as people of God, take back the ground the enemy has stolen from our homes. Think of our homes as valuable assets/resources. In war, one of the ploys of the military is to take strategic locations and steal valuable assets/resources away from the other side. The military recognizes the power and strength that certain locations and resources have. They know if they can occupy these vital locations and stop the resources from being accessible to their enemy, they will gain considerable advantage and will weaken their foe.

If we were in actual warfare, most of us would be smart enough to realize this and would try to resist and withstand the enemy's onslaught. We would know that our location or our assets/resources were too valuable to lose to the hand of the enemy. We would do our best to guard them and protect them at all cost-- we would recognize that even a small breach in the security around our precious assets could prove catastrophic for our mission.

But that is just in the physical realm--sadly, in the spiritual aspect, we often give the enemy of our souls room to advance on us and take essential ground in our homes and in our marriages. We leave gaping breaches, unprotected, for the enemy to creep in. It's my rally cry-- as people of God, let's awaken out of slumber and once again realize the valuable resources and blessings we have been given by God. We must protect them at all cost!

This means war!!

How do we do this?

First of all, we must recognize that we cannot do anything in our own strength-- it's all in Jesus!

We can't do any better without God. He is the key to our success. A marriage and home built on God will always stand!

Second, We must surrender to His Lordship. (We all want a Savior but we must be willing to accept Him as Lord as well!) We must be ready to do whatever He asks. I have seen many women, over the years, struggle in their marriages with submission to their husbands----good women, mind you! yet, that is one area that they battled with, because the enemy had gained ground in that area and he knew if they repossessed that "resource", he was losing an great advantage !

So, if God says, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” Eph‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬ , it's my job to accept that as my "marching orders" and do it.

So many times, I've heard all the excuses of why submission isn't possible, but in reality, those are not of any consequence. It's not my job to worry about what will happen if I relinquish control to my husband. No, that's between my husband and God, I will just stand before God for what my commission was and how I fulfilled my part. (Which again, goes back to trusting God--that He can and will handle the rest. There is such sweet peace in surrending to God and doing it His way!!)

Third, we must be vigilant each day. We must recognize there is an enemy prowling around looking for weak spots in our home's defense. We can't allow him to catch us unaware.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” 1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ ‭‬‬

We must be prepared for His attacks. What are you talking about, Sis Tiphanie? Well, this may not be a physical attack or the Devil showing up on your doorstep in costume, saying Hi, I'm the Devil. I'm here to attack your home. Let me in." It may look as hsrmless as you being aggravated with your spouse. It may look like a petty disagreement that somehow gets blew up into a full blown " knock down, drag out". It may be words said in a fit of anger that can never be unsaid. It may be hurts and bitterness. It may look like a temptation that begins to evolve into something more sinister.

There are many ways the enemy likes to attack.

Unfortunately, he is good at his job. He has had thousands of years to perfect his craft. Like a well seasoned fisherman, he has a tacklebox full of "lures" that he "fishes" for the souls of men with. What works for one, may not work for the next person, but he is patient. He tries lure after lure until he finds one that will catch your eye.

We must refuse to take his "bait"-- God has well equip us for this battle. Go read Ephesians 6. God had given us the armor of God to withstand the fiery darts of the enemy!! We don't have to fall to his attacks. We can be strong 💪 and victorious through and by the blood of the Lamb!

We just have to use it. It's there for us. It's like having electricity but sitting around in darkness because we refuse to hit the light switch. We must utilize the power and the equipment we have been given to fight back against the enemy's plan.

I believe it is up to us-- up to our generation--to stand and protect the sanctity of marriage! To stand up and protect Biblical homes! It is up to us to believe, love, and live the Bible! It is up to us to

stand in the gap and make up a hedge !

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭22‬:‭30‬ ‭‬‬

I don't want it said of me that God was looking for someone to help defend and take back some ground and I wouldn't join the cause---That doing my will and having my way was more important to me than protecting what God had given us.

May we as people of God take back some things in this upcoming year. Our valuable assets ARE worth fighting for! They are worth protecting! Guard your home! Protect your marriage! Don't give the Devil a foothold! Instead, why don't we take back some ground from the enemy's camp!!

“And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail, recover all.” 1 Samuel‬ ‭30‬:‭8‬ ‭‬‬

From my heart to yours,

-Tiphanie ❤️

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