Thank you all for all your support and for each of you that read my posts. It is such a blessing to me !!
I, for one, want to continue to strive to be intentional in my own home and I always want to try to practice what I “teach” ...😂.
As much as I enjoy writing daily blogposts, I don’t want to neglect my own responsibilities in my home. Each post I write (except for the recipes 😂) comes with a lot of Bible studying, prayer and countless time, writing and editing to make sure my words are “seasoned with salt”. Like I have reiterated over and over, I never want anyone to see me, but rather, my desire is for someone to see JESUS!! My goal has always been to help/encourage others and to bring God glory!!
I actually enjoy writing immensely, and Biblicial homemaking is something I am very passionate about!! So naturally, (with a gentle prod from my BFF, I might add😉) writing articles for this blog has been an amazing experience for me! I have even felt the Lord draw closer to me personally and in my home as well through all the countless hours I have spent pouring over scripture, studying, and praying.
However, I don’t want to allow my “working for the Lord” to detract from my own most important commission—the “making” of my own home. I was listening to a holiness women’s Q&A the other day. I heard an older saint of God say, “Never allow your “work for God” take priority over your “calling of God”. We, women, have a calling to our own homes!!
While “working for God” is wonderful and rewarding, we should always remind ourselves of where our first priority lies—within the walls of our own home!!” Wow!—Busted! (Yes, that’s me raising my guilty hand! 🙋🏼♀️ lol 😂)
When I start this blog several months ago, it was never my intention to keep pushing out daily posts in the long term. I simply wanted to build a foundation for the blog. I wanted to have enough articles archived that if the Lord led a new visitor to the site that there would be plenty of content for them to enjoy. I didn’t want to only have 5-6 articles posted and due to my own lack of preparation, possibly cause someone to lose interest if the Lord wanted to use the articles to encourage a struggling homemaker. So the Lord has helped me tremendously in the last few months and I really have worked vigorously to build up content in this site.
Now that I have quite a few articles on a variety of topics, I feel the need to slow down a bit. I am still very passionate about writing these articles! Don’t worry! I definitely haven’t lost interest! I just need to cut back on the time commitment to make sure I am still striving to be the right kind of wife, mom, and Christian in my own life.
Despite what the enemy tries to tell us ladies at times, there will be no point in life when we have completely mastered our roles as Godly women! We are all “just a work in progress”! We will never reach a point to where we can say “I have arrived!” ( well, at least until we get to Glory!! 🙌🏻)
With that being said, I recognize I, myself, need to do better!! I don’t want to be so consumed with making a deadline for an article that I miss out on quality time with my wonderful husband.
Although for the record, my husband has been so supportive of me in this venture! He has been my sounding board to make sure I have my posts worded just right! He has given me valuable input from a guy’s perspective about what makes a man feel respected or valued by his wife. He has helped me add stuff or details that I didn’t realize I had forgotten or he has helped me word a concept differently to where it made more sense. I try to run most, if not all, of my articles past himself if he’s available for “one last polish” before posting them! He has been so patient with me during this season of me trying to keep up with daily postings. He has never complained or said anything negative. I just realize I do need to be more available to my family instead of spending every spare moment working on articles.
After that “it all started with Mom” message, (go read the blog post about that if you missed it!) I also realized I must spend more time “training my children.” I want to be a “present” mom! I want to live in the “now”. Life is too short !! We have to make every day count!!
Once again, thank you all for all the kind words, encouragement, likes, shares, & subscribes! They all bless my soul!! I am amazed at how far the Lord has brought this little blog in just a few months!! I am humbled to even write anything!
There are far more senior, qualified and eloquent women that we all could learn much deeper truths of God’s Word from!! I am certainly no expert ! I am simply a sinner, saved by grace!!
I just remember being a newlywed myself. I had so much to learn!!🤦🏼♀️ I would have loved to have had more holiness resources at my disposal in my pursuit of becoming a homemaker, guided by God’s Word!
The burden of my heart here is to open up the Word of God to see what He says about how we should live... it doesn’t really matter what I think, and it doesn’t matter what you think, but rather, it only matters “what sayeth the Word of God”— He knows how to make things work !!
I have endeavored to share our story and our personal struggles/experiences in our home to encourage others that “struggles in life are inevitable!”—But it’s how you deal with them that makes you either a conqueror or the conquered! And only God can make you a conqueror! Give him the problems! He can fix it all to where others can look back over your mistakes and failures and instead of messes, they see miracles !! God can use them as a testimony of His Delivering Power!!
Anyway, Lol 😂 that was an extremely lengthy way to let you all know that I am cutting back to a 3 day (on occasion, maybe 4 day) posting schedule instead of a daily one — I’m gonna play around with actual days to see which ones work best for my home’s schedule
but tentatively,
Right now, I’m gonna try posting on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday.
By limiting the amount of articles each week, hopefully, will also allow me to “up” the content for you all as well. It will provide more time for me to pray, study each topic, and write.
Because, sometimes, while posting daily, I felt as if I didn’t have enough time to really dig as deep in my research of each article and study as much as I would have liked to because I had to get it ready by the deadline. So by limiting the posts and extending the deadlines, I should be able to spend more time on each article as well.
Plus, I didn’t want to start to overwhelm all you guys with a post every day just for the sake of posting! I didn’t want my articles to become redundant or annoying in any way. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing or so I’ve heard. Lol 😂
So, I wanted to be transparent with you all and let you know what was going on my end.
I dearly love all of you guys! I pray the Lord will continue to use this blog to encourage you in your personal pursuit of Godly womanhood!
Despite what the enemy is trying to convince us of, we need each other!! We are stronger together!
Since this is Tuesday, I’m going to skip tomorrow which is Wednesday to work on a mini series topic I’m studying right now and I will start the new posting schedule on Friday!!
Thank you so much for your understanding!
—Tiphanie ❤️
PS—Like I said, I’m still excited about writing articles—I haven’t lost any interest!! I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to continue to do right here on this little blog!!