Years ago, when I was a young teenager, our pastor taught an amazing series on music. It was so life changing that I can still remember much of it today. Our youth group didn't buck against his teaching. Instead, after his teaching, we all understood the power behind music and how Satan seeks to distort music away from giving glory to God. His teaching equipped us with knowledge and ammunition to fight against the Devil and His sly tactics, especially in this area. I am so grateful to have been given such instruction and foreknowledge at such a young age to help me learn how to properly align music with God's standards.
Today, I want to discuss that very topic. Music is one area that we have allowed the enemy to steal from us or at very least-- to "distort" away from God being the sole focus.
Sometimes, it seems holiness people get a bad rap--it's not that we don't enjoy good music. It's not that we don't want our young people to listen to music. But the type of music we listen to is so very important. We must be super cautious with what we "join up" with.
Advertisers use music all the time to influence people and their decisions. Companies pay big money to develop a catchy little jingle that will stick in our minds and increase the chances of us as the consumers buying their products. Science and studies have proven time and again (go look it up!) Music affects us on a subconscious level in our minds and will influence our emotions. That's why it's so important for us to understand and utilize music correctly.
So, let's jump in and lay a foundation....
Throughout the Bible, music was as much a part of everyday life and culture as it is today. Jubal, son of Lamech, (Genesis 4:21) was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. He is often attributed as the father of all music (the first musician if you will). While he may have received those accolades in the earthly sense, Music actually originated in Heaven before Creation. Music was (and still is!) a vital part of Heaven and is heard around the throne of God. Music has always been part of the worship and praise of God.
In the book of Ezekiel 28, we get a glimpse into Heaven long before God ever created the world. This chapter tells the tale of an angel named Lucifer. (yes, we know him as Satan now! but he wasn't always a devil) Lucifer was created as a perfect, holy being. In verse 13, it says...the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Lucifer was created in such a way that his very being made music as he moved. He was called the anointed cherub by God himself. This indicates that he had supreme responsibility in Heaven. God had anointed him and given him more authority and power that all the other beings in Heaven. Music became an essential part of this anointing that Lucifer was given by God. God delighted in the joyful sound of the music that brought glory and praise to Him alone. Lucifer was established as the chief musician and the choir director of the Heavenly host. Music was the focal part of His responsibilities. Verse 13 again says that the tabrets and the pipes were musical instruments that were created "IN" Lucifer. These instruments were as much a part of Lucifer as our own limbs are a part of us. He was a living musical instrument. God had appointed music to be his domain and it was to be his ministry of praise to God.
The Bible tells us that before he sinned, Lucifer was perfect in all his ways. He was whole, complete, free from blemish, in perfect harmony with truth. Thus, his music at that point was perfect and complete as well. It was an outward sounding of the truth of God's righteousness and glory. His music resonated all throughout the corridors of Heaven. It was the perfect notes, pitch, and rhythmn. His music drew the heart towards God and filled it with awe, praise, thanksgiving, and worship toward the Almighty.
One of the instruments specifically mentioned in Lucifer's being is the tabret. It was a wooden circle covered with a skin, hide, or other fabric with brass bells attached. We more commonly know it today as a tambourine. The Hebrew word for tabret emphasizes striking the covering to produce a sound. There are 17 instances of the use of a tabret in the Bible and they show that it was meant to be used as an instrument of joy and celebration. It was used in the praise and worship of God and also, in exultation and praise after a great victory over the enemies of God. Remember Miriam after crossing the Red Sea and God destroying the Egyptians? She broke out the tabret and sung praise to the God that delivers!! Likewise, the pipes were also used to express joy and celebration. They were played in celebration at the crowning of a new king. They were played by prophets before they prophesied and celebrated a word from the Lord. They were played at feasts, weddings, funerals, and any commemoration or celebration.
They were used in worship and praise to God . They were used to express love and gratitude toward a Divine Creator!
In Psalms alone, there are numerous instances of music and the tabrets/instruments being used to glorify and uplift God throughout the book of Psalms. The vast majority of the Psalms themselves are songs of praise and worship to God.
God intended for music and musical instruments to be an extension of our hearts. He wanted music to be an outward expression of a heart that was overflowing with praise, adoration, and love for Him. That's the original purpose of music in a nutshell. Our hearts were made to sing songs toward Him.
Lucifer, despite having a perfect occupation and position in Heaven, allowed the sin of pride to creep into his heart. He began to think of himself equal and then, even greater than God himself! Isaiah 14 tells us of that fateful decision and its devastating consequences. He was cast out of Heaven. Not only did he get cast out, but he also convinced a portion of the angels to follow him as well. They too were banished from Heaven. This is how the Devil and his demonic forces came to be.
But just because Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, he didn't lose his musical ability. His music just became corrupted when he rebelled against God. He now uses his talent for his own wicked purposes. He fully understands music in a way no human can fully comprehend. Remember, he was created to be a living musical instrument!! Music is still a integral part of his makeup. He knows exactly how to compose and inspire music that will draw the human heart away from God. He inspires the music to be written that will have lyrics or a beat that will disturb, agitate, or drive a person to pursue passions, thoughts, or emotions that will lead to sin. He has become a master of using a variety of musical instruments to produce a sound/song that change a person's direction and pollute their heart. Because he hates God and He understand the power of music better than any mortal person ever could, music has become one of his most powerful weapons that he uses to seduce God's own creation away from Him.
The Devil has an arsenal of many tools that he uses to deceive folks, but music remains one of his most reliable weapon of deception. Music can change the moral and cultural temperature of a nation. Music can destroy a society and fan the flames of its worst possible passions.
Let's take a look at Isaiah 14:12-17 12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
16They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
17That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
In Isaiah 14, the Bible (paraphrasing/combining several verses here) says that Satan has weakened the nations, caused the earth to tremble, made the world into a wilderness, shook kingdoms, and turned the world into a house of prisoners... let's look at those things a little more closely--
The Hebrew word for weaken in Isaiah 14:12 means to waste away, to overthrow, to decay, to disable. Satan has used music to bring our society to its knees. He has caused our moral and spiritual foundations to decay and waste away. Some of our secular music in American is so full of pollution and filth that 75 years ago, it would have been banned from every decent public place in America. Slowly, due to our lack of concern and fervency for God as a nation, our music industry has taken the place of God himself in many people's lives. This musical filth and pollution has come be accepted as forms of "expressing yourself".
The Hebrew word for tremble in Isaiah 14:16 means to quiver with violent emotion. especially anger or fear. Satan uses music to disquiet and to agitate hearts to stir them towards anger and fear. Music will move us as humans and the Devil knows just how to use music to move our hearts from God. Studies have shown how just hearing one song can cause a person to go from relatively happy to almost immediately feeling feelings of depression, unhappiness, and agitation. Is there any wonder as to why suicides, depression, and mental illness has increased drastically over the years? Has any one even considered perhaps music may be a contributing factor?
The Hebrew word for shake in Isaiah 14:16 describes a confused noise, a rattling, an uproar, or a crashing. One form is translated to mean "noisemaker". Satan has used music, turning it into a confused noise that will shake the very being. (Have you ever passed someone at a red light and you could literally feel the vibrations and thump of their music even with their windows and your own windows all rolled up?) Music can cause an uproar ( have you ever heard some of the noise coming from a concert or live event? the noise, at times, can be almost maddening! Yet, the attendees seem to delight in the chaos.)
A prime example of music being "noise" is found in Exodus 32 when Moses had been gone for 40 days up on top of Mt Sinai getting instruction and commandments from God. As Moses descended to where Joshua had been waiting for him on the mount, the Bible tells us in verse 17--"And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, There is a noise of war in the camp.18) And he (Moses speaking here) said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the noise of them that sing do I hear.
The music that they were singing wasn't in the worship of Jehovah. Joshua would have recognized traditional "worship" music if they were singing to Jehovah. Instead, they had reverted to worshipping an idol--a golden calf. The Bible said in verse 6, that the people rose up early, offered burnt offerings (to a statute, mind you), sat down to eat and drink and rose up to "play". The dancing and the singing depicted here in verse 6 conveys ungodliness, sensuality, and frantic chaos and noise. It was inciting the hearts of the children of Israel to express their rebellion against God. If you read verses 4-5, Aaron the priest tried to blend the worship of God with the worship of idols. Satan often does the same thing today. He tries to deceive us by trying to blend the holy with the profane.
The Devil distorts the beauty of music which God created. God intended for it to fill hearts with joy and adoration for His righteousness and His power. Instead, Satan changes music into something that causes agitation and a rattling of discord.
We are often unaware that the lyrics of songs are just as powerful as the tempo/beat. Sometimes, we don't even pay a lot of attention to what the words to a song actually are. I know I myself have been guilty of this in the past. As a young teenager, (actually probably close to the time right before our pastor taught about music) a friend of mine said, "Hey, do you know that "such and such" song says 'That'd make a vegetarian barbecue hamster'?" I was like "No way! I've heard that song all kinds of times. It doesn't say that!"... but sure enough, when we looked it up, it really did say that. That was a valuable lesson that lyrics are sly. They often go unchecked and unmonitored. Just because I like the beat/rhythm doesn't mean that song is acceptable as a form of music to my heart.
In secular music, lyrics often promote the works of the flesh such as lust, pride, greed, sexual perversion, and rebellion. The "Prince of the Air" as the Bible calls Satan is often the one behind the scenes inspiring the composers to write such songs that are in complete defiance to God Almighty. He wants music to influence the creation away from the Creator. He has pumped the filth into every radio station and music store across our country. He has poisoned men's hearts with the addictive charm of "his" music.
With great advances in technology, music has become such a ingrained part of our culture. Nearly any song can now be instantly downloaded within seconds to a portable device or phone. Everywhere you look, there is someone with earbuds in their ears. Music has replaced God Almighty and has set itself up a pseudo-god in society. There is no quiet time for the Lord to speak and deal with the hearts of men...the still, small voice of God has been drowned out by "the noise" instead .
We must recognize that music is a powerful tool that will capture and transform our hearts. Music can either push us to do good or it can influence us to do evil. Music moves the heart. It stirs the emotions. Music has the power to heal a wounded heart but it also has the power to destroy the human spirit.
In Exodus, God gave us ten commandments --one of them being "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"--and it goes on to include worshipping or bowing down to graven images (idols). In today's culture, music has become such an idol. In the book of Daniel, the influencing power of music was even evident then when King Nebuchadnezzar made a golden image and ordered people to worship it. When?? When music was played! Music is a powerful spiritual tool that will influence your behavior and your mood. Like Nebuchadnezzar, Satan, too, is playing his music today and many are bowing down to "his idols".
I realize we may not literally be bowing to a physical statute but don't be naïve. We have images or idols all around us. We have music idols, rock idols, America idols, fashion idols, etc. and many people are “bowing down” to these people. They are allowing those people’s influence to affect their own soul. (on a side note, what about social media? What do they call the "popular" people on there? INFLUENCERS! Why? Because they use their platform to "influence" people in some way whether it be to buy their products, to support a cause, or whatever it may be that they are currently promoting. This is why social media has such a “cult” following--the vast majority of people want to look to someone else for advice on what is best, fun, a worthy cause or a good product-- but that is a another whole topic in itself.)
Remember, Satan is still THE master influencer and the master musician. He knows what will influence mankind and turn him away from God. That is why music is a constant battle field. Music will either motivate you to worship with a pure heart and draw closer to God or it will make you fall away from God and follow after the flesh in pursuit of passions, emotions, and actions that are contrary to God and His Word. This is current day "idolatry"--something or someone that takes the place of God in the heart. No one can say that secular music has no effect on their spiritual state; It does affect you. You cannot listen to Satan’s music and stand for long; you will definitely bow down and “worship” at his altar of self gratification, pride, lust, and all the works of darkness.
But on the flip side, good, Godly music will affect your spirit just as powerfully. Music sure had a major impact on King Saul when he was tormented by an evil spirit. (I Sam 16:14-23) David's singing and his music upon his harp would soothe Saul's soul and the evil spirit would depart for a time. It was essentially "music therapy" in a sense. Saul's emotions and his anger could be temporarily pacified if he could listen to the Psalms of David.
The greatest power that music has is to propel a person into spiritual intimacy with either God and His Spirit or it will invite a person to have intimacy with Satan and his evil spirits. When we sing or listen to music, we are either worshipping God or we are glorifying Satan...
There is no neutral ground in the area of music. Be on guard!
“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" Romans 6:16
This is the danger of "yielding our members" to the wrong Spirit—Which is why Ephesians 4:27 admonishes us to ...Neither give place to the devil."
When you listen to ungodly music, you start opening yourself up to that evil spirit and the more you listen, the more power the evil spirit has over you.
The same principles apply to listening to Godly music. When you listen to Godly music, you open yourself up to the Spirit and the more you listen, the more He takes control of your mind and He changes your thinking and your perspective.
Some say that the music they listen to does not affect them. It would be hard to convince the Kuntz family of this. Fifteen year old Richard Kuntz was listening to a Manson album when he committed suicide by shooting himself. His father says Richard was a major Manson fan and his favorite song contained calls to commit suicide. Source: World Magazine, November 22, 1997
Plato: “In order to take the spiritual temperature of an individual or a society, one must mark the music … Musical innovation is full of danger to the State for when modes of music change, the laws of the State change with them. Music is a moral law … Let me control the music for one generation and I will control Rome … Show me who writes a nation’s songs and I care not who writes its laws … Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.”
Dr. Adam Knieste: “Music is a two-edged sword. It’s really a powerful drug. Music can poison you, lift your spirits, or make you sick without knowing why.”
The Beatles: “Our music is capable of causing emotional instability, disorganized behavior, rebellion and even revolution.”
Can you imagine something so powerful that it can provoke emotions and actions that you have no control over? Depression, anger, lust, and hatred can enter into your heart by the music you listen to as can joy, peace, love, and worship depending on what you allow to take up room in your soul. For the Devil to establish a stronghold in your mind and heart, it takes time. He is subtle and will use stuff to influence our thinking, which in turn, affects our actions but we must be on guard-- music can give him a free ride into our mind and our heart within a matter of seconds. Music is that powerful, and it can quickly change the composition, direction, and commitment of our heart.
Music can subtly change our hearts without us even knowing it. It can be like a toxic venom that is injected into the bloodstream. We don’t see its dangerous effect on the heart until it begins to circulate throughout the entire body and we start seeing other “symptoms” as a result. Thus, “Wrong music” can be a fatal blow to our spiritual growth….
So remember this: Music is part of a spiritual battle for your heart. The music you listen to will affect your heart and your mind, either drawing you closer to God or driving you further away from Him.
Every song is a sermon for either good or evil. -author unknown
From my heart to yours,
-Tiphanie ❤️
(Well...this article got too lengthy...I apologize. There is just so much material to cover on the topic...So I'm breaking it up into segments again. Stay tuned for the sequel coming up next—How to determine "Right" music--Our Biblical guidelines...part2