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Writer's pictureTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

Keeping a Proper View of Sin

Have we adopted a casual view of sin after what Jesus has done for us? Are we continuing to behave in a manner that displeases God without any thought or care? Are we living for ourselves and our own pleasure without any thought of the coming of the Lord? Are we being amused or entertained by the very things that cost our Saviour His life? Do we have deep sorrow and repentance over our sin, and plead with the Lord to help us overcome sin in our lives? These are some hard questions that we must ask ourselves from time to time…

God has sure been wooing His people lately. The common theme across our movement seems to be that of Jesus’ Coming being nigh at the door and the message of repentance and the turning FROM our sins. We have been hearing such anointed preaching at our church with these main themes repeated. We also listen to multiple other Holiness churches via Mixlr and it’s amazing to turn on different churches across the land and hear those exact same topics being preached in pulpits everywhere else as well… God is full of mercy and He is not willing that any of us should perish. He longs for us to be “right” with Him. He has extended His Hand of mercy time and time again. It is up to us to accept His mercy/grace, repent of following after our own ways, turn from our sins, and be cleansed by the blood of Jesus!!

I read the following illustration and I wanted to share it with you all as well.

It is a stark reminder of the true severity of sin. We must once again fall at the altar of mercy and allow God to cleanse our hearts and makes us pure before him.


This is the knife which cut

the throat of your dear child!

(by Jeremiah Burroughs)

If I do indeed believe that my sin has cost the blood of Christ--then certainly my sin is a dreadful evil.

Oh, let me never have to do with such sin as was the cause of such sufferings to my Savior--which shed His precious blood.

If you saw the knife that had cut the throat of your dearest child, would not your heart rise against that knife?

Suppose you come to dine, and there is a knife laid by your plate, and it was told to you that this is the knife which cut the throat of your dear child--could you use that knife to eat your dinner?

Oh with what detestation would you fling away such a knife!

And with the like detestation it is required that you should renounce sin--for your sin was the cause of the death of Christ!

So when a temptation comes to sin--you must think, "This is the knife . . .

which cut the throat of Christ,

which pierced His side,

which was the cause of all His sufferings,

which made Christ to be a curse!"

Now you will look upon your sin as a cursed thing, which made Christ to be a curse!

"A bleeding Savior I have viewed,

And now, I hate my sin


That really would put sin in perspective if we would always look at sin like that, wouldn’t it? It would change the way we view a lot of things actually… Too often, we as Christians categorize sin… In our minds, there are BIG sins and there are little sins. We often excuse our own “pet” sins as just little weaknesses or shortcomings. We are content to let them dwell inside our hearts. We feel like “our sins” aren’t really sin anyway—despite the fact that they are contrary to the Word of God.

Romans 3:4—…yea, let God be true, but every man a liar;

God‘s laws are still absolute! This world may change but God doesn’t —

Hebrews 13:8–Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

If He said He hated a proud look,

He still does now…

If unforgiveness was sin back then,

it’s still sin now.

If the gall of bitterness was said to defiled many, it’s still doing it today.

If God called jealousy as cruel as the grave in His Word, He still views it the same way today.

We must get back to recognize sin as sin! We often try to justify our own actions and our own personal weaknesses. We try to handle things with our own power and our own reasoning. Instead, we need to just quit denying our sins as being sins and allow God to help us overcome them. He WILL help us to win the victory of these little “besetting” sins!!

Hebrews 12:1

…. let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

There isn’t anything worth losing out with God over!! Just one second into eternity will immediately change our minds about every grudge, every root of bitterness, every bout of hatred or anger, pride, jealousy or greed that we just couldn’t turn lose of. But at that point, it will be too late!!!

We MUST get it right on this side!! We must allow the cleansing power of the Blood to purify us and make us Holy before God! We HAVE TO MAKE IT!!

We all have already come it too far to lose out now!! We are almost HOME!!

So, let me encourage you —Let’s allow the spotlight of Heaven to search our hearts and reveal any hidden unforgiven part that needs to be dealt with…

Psalm 139:23-24

[23] Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: [24] And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

It is gonna take it to make it!! 😭🙏🏼

From my heart to yours,

-Tiphanie ❤️

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