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Don’t Move the Boundaries

Writer's picture: Tiphanie Sizemore—New MerciesTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

We were listening to Mixlr a few weeks ago and we were listening to the Bluegrass Pentecostal Youth Camp (or perhaps more commonly known to most of us as E-Town Youth Camp.) In this specific sermon, Bro Enoch Snow was preaching about Not Moving the Boundaries and it has really has been stirring me up ever since.

Quick Disclaimer: I mention bits and pieces of Bro Snow’s sermon throughout this post. When I am quoting something from the sermon, I note it specifically as a quote from Bro. Snow or “the preacher”. All other context is from me. This sermon just got the wheels of my mind a rolling! So a lot of my thoughts are strewn in as well. I just wanted to clarify in case any of you listen to the sermon and you think, “wait, I didn’t hear him say that!” Lol 😂


As a parent of a child right on the cusp of teenage years and another following soon after, his message reaffirmed to me that necessity of the God-given boundaries, the protection from the enemy that those boundaries provide, and the power that willingly staying within the set boundaries will bring. Hearing that message made my husband and I more committed to the Lord to keep the boundaries in place for our kids! It’s our weighty responsibility to ensure we keep the boundaries in place in our home and in our lives to protect and preserve the lives of our children.


The preacher took his text over there in Deuteronomy 22:8 —When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man fall from thence.

He explained that this battlement mentioned in the text was nothing more than a short railing or fencing that offered a measure of protection and a clear designation that there was danger beyond the boundary. These homes were built with a flat roof that was often used in the balmy evenings as a cool gathering place for families and friends. A place of rest and relaxation— yet the Lord cautioned that there must be a clear, set boundary around the edges to ensure the safety of those of the house and those visiting. He warned, however, that if you disregarded the boundary or you didn’t put it up right, and someone fell to their death due to your negligence, there would be blood upon your own house. In other words, you and your house were gonna to pay for it…Wow! That’s a sobering thought!!

The preacher then took the text a tad farther and related it to the spiritual realm and to the boundaries we, as Christians, should have in our own lives. He reiterated that traditionally, these battlements or boundaries on the house roofs in our text were NOT so tall you couldn’t climb over them; they were NOT so wide that you couldn’t squeeze around them; they were NOT so tight that you couldn’t slide under them. He said if you really wanted to, you could get over, around, or under them. They were simply put there as a designated, clear border of the safe and the unsafe.

Likewise, the boundaries we have as Christians are not so high we can’t climb over them if we so choose, nor are they so wide we can’t squeeze around them; They aren’t so tight we can’t slide under them.

Our spiritual Boundaries were put there as a clear distinction between godliness and ungodliness, worldliness and holiness, saved and unsaved, righteousness and unrighteousness. ( every heard the old saying, they are just strattling the fence? Or perhaps this one— they are trying to live as close to the world as they can while still hanging on with one hand to Jesus?) that’s essentially like spiritually dangling out over the battlement (with the danger gaping below)!

We have been conditioned as humans to think that boundaries or rules are bad things. Even small babies quickly realize that they don’t like the word “NO”. Due to man’s sin cursed nature, it’s now in our makeup to resist and rebel against authority.

Way back in the beginning, the very argument Satan used on Eve in the garden was that she could be like God…that God was keeping something from her. God didn’t want her to be like a god herself— and know things so He set up a boundary for them to not cross—a fruit that was forbidden. He convinced Eve that she could be her own authority. She didn’t have to follow God’s rules. She could cross His boundaries with no repercussions. But if you take a look over in Genesis 3, Eve already was confusing the boundaries in her mind even before the snake showed up. Here in our text, she tells Satan that even touching the fruit would kill them.

Genesis 3:2-6 —And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: [3] But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. [4] And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: [5] For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. [6] And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant c to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. …

But if you go back to Genesis 2, when God gave the initial command to Adam concerning the tree, God never mentioned that simply touching it would cause death, only that eating of it would result in sure death. So Eve already made the boundary set by God into something even more strenuous than it already was…. (Although probably not a good idea to handle forbidden fruit, mind you— if you don’t touch it, you wouldn’t be tempted to eat it but I digress…)

Genesis 2:16-17— And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: [17] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. …

As humans, we often see boundaries as something that is keeping from us from experience something better….Like we are missing out on something. Sadly, I’ve seen many so-called Christians with this mentality. Like being saved is like walking around in chains. Like because they are a Christian, they are missing out on all the fun! They HAVE TO DO THIS, and they HAVE TO DO THAT! They become so focused on the DOs/DON’Ts that they miss out on the experience!!

So, let’s take a moment to look at a few things about these boundaries!

The Necessity of God-given boundaries

In a world where there are nearly no absolutes, God-given boundaries are all the more necessary! We need guidelines based upon Scripture, the teaching of the man of God and our own prayerful reflection to guide us through these crazy times! If we were driving up a huge mountain with steep drop offs everywhere, we wouldn’t question the need for guardrails. We would 100% agree that guardrails were a necessity to keep us from the looming danger that was just a fraction off to the side. So why is it that we fight so hard against the spiritual guardrails that God tries to erect in our lives?? He is simply trying to keep us from danger!

Which leads us to the next point:

The Protection that the Boundaries provide

God uses boundaries to provide protection from the enemy. If we will be willing to live within the boundaries, there are so many battles that we simply won’t have to fight because we won’t subject ourselves to them. If we will obey His Word and submit to His authority, He will cover us with His protection. The enemy can’t cross the bloodline.

That’s why the enemy tries so hard to tear down boundaries in our movement. When we move the boundaries or we blur the lines and decide absolutes are no longer absolutes, we are giving place to the Devil. We are unwittingly inviting his attacks upon our soul.

God isn’t some mean bully up there in Heaven, just trying to make our lives miserable with rules and restrictions. Oh no! He knows what works and what doesn’t! He knows exactly what is dangerous and what is good! He is way, way, more competent than we are. We know nothing compared to Him ( although, we, to our shame, sometimes think we do! But we usually end up finding out the hard way that God is always right and we are the ones in the wrong!)

There is so many promises found in the Word of God promising His protection if His people would do_____. (Fill in the blank) It has always been an “IF and THEN” gospel!! If we will do our part, God most certainly will do His! He can be trusted! If not for anything else, I believe this is a major reason to convince us to live willingly within the boundaries. Especially in these last days, we desperately need the protective Hand of God Almighty active in our lives!!

But that’s not all: Let’s talk about

The Power comes with willingly staying within the boundaries.

All throughout the Bible, especially the Old Testament, God sets forth His people as a peculiar people— set apart for His use! He wanted there to be a distinct difference between His people and the people of this old world. He set guidelines and boundaries for them to adhere to that specified those differences.

But even during the lonely desert years of the Israelites, God has a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to guide them. He performed miracle after miracle. He spoke to them. He wooed them, yet all they could see the struggle. They longed for something outside the boundaries… they wished to return to Egypt—

remember even the leeks and garlics? They weren’t looking at the amazing daily miracle of manna for millions of people. They were focused on what they thought they were missing out on. It’s so easy to look down on them when we read such things in the Holy Writ, but we aren’t much different today!! We often find ourselves in similar situations.

But if we will surrender wholeheartedly to God and accept the boundaries as part of His plan to keep us walking in right fellowship with Him, let me tell you, friends, we haven’t even scratched the surface of the Power that will come with that surrender.

Bro Snow also read this verse in his sermon.

Zechariah 2:5—For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.

He expounded that God put that wall of fire as a boundary around Israel, to protect her from her enemies but because of her allowing that boundary, He then became the Glory in the midst! He then declared that submitting to the God given boundaries in our lives, in our homes, and in our churches will allow His Glory to fall and remain in our midst!! He will make the difference in our homes and in our churches!!

Dear sisters, can you agree with me? If there is anything we need desperately in our midst, it is THE GLORY OF GOD!! It’s that anointing that will change lives! It’s that supernatural Power that will break the bonds of sin!! It’s that indwelling of the Holy Ghost that will open the door to our minds/souls when the Devil comes knocking with temptation!

I, for one, am so encouraged to seek out those old landmarks/boundaries that were set for me and mark them again for my children and this next generation.

My mind goes to when a property is being sold or recently bought and they hire the ol’ surveyor to come out and plot out the boundaries of the property to clearly mark what is owned and what isn’t. The first thing the surveyor does when he is hired is that he will look up the deed on the property. He then reads it thoroughly to make sure he understands what is written. He will bring a copy of it and come out to the actual location and by the measurements and sometimes even by landmarks stated in the deed, he begins to plot off the lot. Many times, he may even bring a metal detector to search for old boundary stakes that may be covered up grass or dirt. Once, if found, he uncovers them so they can clear mark the boundary line once again! Or if he is unsuccessful in locating old stakes, he pounds in new ones (based upon his written guidelines—the deed) to set the boundaries for the next generation to use.

We could take that little illustration and use it in the spiritual as well! We all sometimes need to reevaluate the boundaries in our own lives. Do they line up to what is already written in God’s Word? Are there areas where we once staked boundaries but now, we have allowed to get covered over with the grass of complacency and the dirt of negligence? Or perhaps, you never truly found your own boundaries in the first place???

May I encourage you to read the deed (Bible)! Learn about the God given boundaries and then break out the mallet and metal stakes! Realize the necessity of put up the boundaries—Keeping the Devil out!!

Allow the boundaries to be a fence of protection, not a wall of confinement or a prison!

Then allow His power to dwell inside and become that “Glory in the midst” in your life!

From my heart to yours,


PS— sorry, this got so long…. But I’m really stirred if you can’t tell. 😜 there may even be a sequel if the rest of what I wanted to say is enough to make a whole other post-worth!

1 Comment

Tiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies
Tiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies
Aug 12, 2022

If anyone is interested in listening to Bro Snow’s message, here is the link: —- go to showreel— Bluegrass Pentecostal Youth camp — Thursday Night

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