Last week, I shared with you how God helped my daughter of her food allergies but He didn't stop there.
As I mentioned last week, she was dealing with dehabilitating fear and anxiety in reference to doctors, hospitals, and such due to the traumatic experiences she had as a small child in the Pediatric ICU.
This had gone on for over 7 years now. As the Lord started dealing with her about how He could heal her of the allergic reactions, God also started dealing with her about her anxiety and fear as well.
He wanted her to trust Him -- He could take it!! But this was an area that she was reluctant to let go of.
Our asst pastor preached a message right around this time about God dealing with our fears. We don't have to fight that kind of fear when we have a God that delivers! Chloe took the message to heart and knew it was her call to action.
Chloe was having some health issues (due to puberty --low iron/anemia ) so she felt terrible -- no energy, exhausted, body aches, cold all the time etc..) and the Devil was telling her she had something really bad wrong with her. He had convinced her that it wasn't normal for a kid her age to feel this bad.
Her gramma and I both had repeatedly tried to convince her to go get bloodwork. We suspected that maybe her body wasn't replenishing her blood count fast enough each month but the thought of going to the hospital for blood work would send her into a full-blown anxiety attack.
I knew she needed that full workup/blood panel done, but I was trying to have compassion and "get" where she was coming from. So, I didn't physically make her do it but every chance I got, I tried to convince her she should...(to no avail...)
Anyway, to make a long story short, God started dealing with her about it. Not long after she heard that message, she told me she wanted to go get bloodwork. I about fell over. She wanted to go get bloodwork?? Wow! Then she explained everything and told me she felt that God wanted to deliver her from this fear and anxiety that had bound her for all these years!
In the meantime, a preacher came by the church and preached a message on choosing your own battles. (About fighting the battle on your terms and not letting the enemy bully and intimidate you!)
We took that to mean... Chloe was choosing to fight this battle on her terms-- by her own choice of going for bloodwork-- she was gonna slay this giant of anxiety and fear of hospitals, doctors, nurses, & medical stuff.
She was super nervous but knew this was the correct plan of action. She decided to put her AirPods in her ears and have her favorite Holiness music on and to try to keep her mind on the scriptures that God had given her to hold on to.
God helped her so much. She was a trooper and the bloodwork went off without a hitch. (The nurse was amazing! So thankful she got a good nurse!)
Chloe said when the anxiety started to come on her, she just tried to keep her mind on Jesus. She said it's harder to panic when you are praising the Lord!
So, she conquered quite the giant that day. Through the strength of the Savior, she put fear and anxiety to flight. Something that had plagued her for 7 years had to fall to the name of Jesus!
(Side note: Her bloodwork came back and she was okay. We started her on a multivitamin and that seems to be helping her tremendously.)
So thankful for a God of all power! What He doesn't keep you from, He will keep you through.
-Tiphanie 💕
So proud of you Chloe ❤️