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Writer's pictureTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

Another testimony

God healed my daughter of food allergies!

Let me back up and tell you the story... years ago, after she was diagnosed with diabetes and subsequently healed 🙌🏼, she started having problems with certain foods or even the smells of certain things would cause her lungs/breathing to tighten up (kinda like asthma attack) When this would happen, it would give her an excruciating headache as well.

Due to her being deathly afraid of doctors, she never told me the full extent of what was going on at this point because she feared that I would take her to get checked out. Thankfully, she was able to tell by the smell of things if it was a trigger or not, and mostly avoided everything that was problematic....

About two years ago, however, it began to get much worse. it got to where she could no longer hide it from me. She sat down one night and told me the full extent of what she was going through. Of course, I wanted to take her to the doctor and get checked out which she was vehemently against. I begin to make a list of all the stuff that was triggering her. Some things was worse than others, but her reactions were beginning to get downright scary. I wanted to take her to the doctor and get a diagnosis of what the trigger was exactly --in case she needed an EpiPen or something like that.

The extreme fear of doctors, needles, hospitals, and such was a carryover from everything she experienced as a young child during the diabetes issue. She had been traumatized so bad during all of that and I totally understood that. But it was beginning to get to the place that I felt that it was becoming life threatening. She convinced me that she knew the triggers and she would avoid them, but my biggest fear was that I was afraid that she would come in contact with it at a youth camp or an outing and she would have a reaction before she realize what was going on and no one would know what was going on.

Unbeknownst to me, Chloe began to pray earnestly about this issue several months ago. It had got to the point that it was beginning to scare her as well. She told the Lord that she believed he could heal her and there wouldn't be any more reactions from these triggers. Time went on and she said she felt like the Lord was touching her body.

One day, She decided to try a trigger food in faith. No reaction .... she was overjoyed but still scared .... every time she would try something, she was always afraid it would trigger her so bad that she would have to go to the hospital so both fear and faith was in constant battle, warring in her mind...

About a month ago, she got tired of the devil getting upper hand. One Sunday afternoon, she told me, "Mom, I want you to take me to the store and I want to buy a list of the major trigger foods and I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna try them all. If I don't have a reaction, I'm gonna claim my healing tonight.

I have to admit, as a mom, I was a little bit afraid as well. But I did as she asked, trusting that she knew what the Lord was prompting her to do. I watched an apprehension as she took bite after bite. No reaction. No reaction. No reaction. Some of these were so bad that she just caught a whiff of it by smell, her breathing would start to shut down, her face and tongue would swell, and she would get covered in a rash. I knew this, but I watched as my daughter, by faith, took bite after bite, and I saw the Lord move in such a miraculous, tangible way.

After each bite, her smile got bigger and bigger. By the last food that she tried, she was so overjoyed she couldn't hardly contain herself-- I hadn't seen her that excited in a very, very very long time! She couldn't wait to get to church to testify of what the Lord had done for her!

God is such an awesome God! so thankful that he is the Healer! We can trust him!!

-Tiphanie 💕

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Mar 21, 2024

She is a walking testimony. So looking forward to what God has planned for her life ❤️


Mar 21, 2024



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