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Writer's pictureTiphanie Sizemore—New Mercies

A Testimony for His Glory—Part 3

Ok, here is part 3- Hopefully, you have already read the two previous posts. If not, please go read them now for a full background history.


So, about a year after my daughter’s diabetes healing, we went to her normal routine well child checkup. We had switched doctors at this point and we were now in the same doctor office as the doctors who worked in the Pediatric ICU she was admitted to a year earlier. These doctors were much more experienced. My daughter still had a slight aversion to any doctor visit due to her previous traumatic medical experience but we assured her it was just a routine checkup...

we were wrong!

The doctor found a heart murmur in my daughter’s heart that she was concerned about. (Our daughter had been born with a condition called Hyperflexibility— her joints had a tendency to overextend. As a baby, it affected her muscle tone—she was a late walker. She had to have therapy to strengthen her muscles. As she got older, it wasn’t that big of an issue. She just had to be careful to not injure herself when outside, playing sports.)

The doctor said the heart murmur sounded pretty bad and she wanted to schedule additional testing to better assess the situation. I had completely forgotten as a baby, her pediatrician then mentioned that the hyperflexibility wasn’t a big issue (besides making sure she didn’t injure herself) as long as it never affected her heart (since the heart is essentially a muscle). After we told this new pediatrician that our daughter had been diagnosed as a baby with hyperflexibility, the doctor definitely wanted to do more tests to make sure the valves in her heart was working properly. We asked her what the treatment was if the tests showed there was a problem. She said “probably surgery!”

At the mention of that, my little girl immediately became afraid. (It struck fear in all of our hearts!!) All the fear and uncertainty from a year ago came flooding back. As we left the doctor’s office, my mom and I tried to be brave for her sake but inside, we were devastated. Oh no! Not again!!

They scheduled an EKG a few days later. We earnestly sought the Lord. We had people praying. We tried to trust God— we knew He was a healer!! He had already proven that to us before!!

Our pastor preached a message the Wednesday night service before her EKG—

“It pays to serve the Lord!” We were strengthened and encouraged by this message. We knew we could trust Him no matter the outcome! He was faithful! He would use this trial for His Glory!!

On Thursday, we went to the doctor’s office for the EKG. I know my daughter was very anxious and afraid but she tried to be brave. We had prepared her for the procedure and she knew the test itself wouldn’t hurt but we were all apprehensive about the results. The morning of our appointment, I received a text from a young lady from another church. We had family that had requested prayer at their church and this sweet, young lady attended their church. She texted a member of our family there at her church and asked for my number. The Lord had laid a burden on her for my little girl. She, herself, had had a similar heart condition as a child and so, she could relate well to the feelings my daughter was now facing. She texted my daughter a Scripture verse and a few words of encouragement. She also shared a story with her about how sometimes God allows us to go through difficult times to show others His mighty power and to draw us closer to Him. He, in turn, will use our testimony for His Glory!

When my daughter read that text, especially with it coming from an older teenage girl that she really looked up to, she immediately begin to smile and her eyes teared up. (That young lady was used of the Lord mightily that morning! I’m so thankful she was sensitive to His prodding and she cared enough to send my daughter such words of encouragement. it meant the world to us both! 🙌🏻)

Once my daughter read that text, her anxiety levels lessened. She calmed down and she said “God will take care of me!”

We went in and they did the test. It took quite a while in my opinion but it may have been because I was sweating bullets! lol 😂 She laid there perfectly still and we watched as the test was ran. Every sound of her heartbeat being broadcast on the speakers had us anxious that they would find an abnormality. We prayed almost the entire time !

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the test was completed. We waited for them to read the results and to come back in and tell us. When the door finally opened, my heart fell to my toes. I was trying to trust God but at the same time, my flesh was being assaulted by doubt, fear, and unbelief.

The doctor told us that everything was ok! Her heart was functioning fine. The heart murmur was slight and would require no further treatment— in fact, she would more than likely grow out of it...I think her Gramma and I both were crying! We were so thankful to the Lord for His mercies once again!!

Once out of the office and back in the car, we began to text others to share the good news! Once again, God had had mercy and showed us a great kindness!! I texted the pastor- “Just like you preached—It pays to serve the Lord!! He has once again moved on our behalf!” God is so good to His people! He loves us so much!! He only wants the glory when He moves in a situation for us !!

-Tiphanie ❤️

(special thanks to my daughter for her willingness to let me share her story. She always reads the articles first and makes

sure I get all the details “just right”! 😉)

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Alicia Callahan
Alicia Callahan
17 mag 2021

That’s such a wonderful testimony! We love miss Chloe

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