I hope all of you have read the first post—if not, please stop right now and go read that. ( a-testimony-for-his-glory )
Ok, so hopefully now everyone is up to speed on what transpired during my daughter’s hospital stay and her consequential healing. However, the story doesn’t really end there. For the sake of longevity, I’m going to pick up where I left off in that last post...
My husband and I (along with all of our family/church) were rejoicing in the Lord over His Divine healing of our daughter. However, we had yet to understand that the battle was not yet over — in some ways, it was just beginning. We quickly came to realize that while God had moved mightily on our behalf and turned the situation completely around, the enemy was still very much at work.
Our daughter began to fight fear like you wouldn’t believe. She had been sleeping in her own room for some time but she resorted back to sleeping in our bed because she was fearful of something bad happening to her. Even in our bed, she slept fitfully each night.
Although we all were completely convinced of her healing, she was so afraid that something would happen and the diabetes would return. She became so fearful of doctors in so much that the thought of having to see a doctor would send her into an immediate panic.
I remember we had a follow up with her pediatrician 5 days after being released from the ICU. The night before, when she found out she had to go, she became hysterical. She cried and cried until she could barely catch her breath. She began to break out in huge hives all over her body. I still have the pictures of how bad she broke out due to her nerves. Once again, all my efforts to comfort her was in vain.
All I knew to do was pray! I began to pray. The more I prayed, the more the crying began to subside. Soon, it slowed to a hiccup. I prayed and prayed that night. The sweet Spirit of the Holy Ghost walked in that bedroom with us! You could feel that Presence from another world fill that room. I began to worship in His presence. When I got done praying after a while, I saw that my daughter was fast asleep. That was so amazing to me!! That the God of all Glory cared enough to come to my rescue. When I didn’t know how to help her... He did!! He is a very present help in time of trouble!! God is only a prayer away from His people!
He can calm a storm with just His Word !!
She slept wonderfully that night. She woke up the next morning and when she started to get anxious over the pending doctor’s appt, I reminded her about how the Lord came by the night before when she was afraid! I reminded her that we could trust Him! He said He would never leave us or forsake us!! He would go to the doctor with us!
Surprisingly, her pediatrician didn’t do anything to her. No blood work, no glucose test, nothing!
At first, my first instinct was like “Man, they weren’t very thorough. They should have rechecked everything to make sure everything was still good.” but in retrospect, God knew exactly what our daughter could handle at that moment! We didn’t need more tests to know He had done a mighty work in her!
He was enough!!
That visit (and the previous night when the Lord came down) was a huge stepping stone in her recovery emotionally. Yes, she has bruises and bandaids from the ordeal physically but the emotional trauma ran much deeper. She was very anxious and didn’t want me to get out of her sight. She was very apprehensive about the slightest weird feeling she felt... always scared that she was going to relapse. We had a glucose test machine and she was constantly wanting me to check her sugar to make sure the levels were within range. We assured her that all was well and what God does, He does well.
We began to speak the Word to her. We knew we couldn’t allow her little heart to become so bound with fear and anxiety. Psalm 91 became her mantra. She memorized it. Her gramma bought her a silver keychain with one of the main verses of Psalm 91 engraved on it. I printed out the chapter and put it beside her bed. She slept with her Bible under her pillow.
Slowly, (it wasn’t overnight!) she began to calm down. Constant Scripture reading—meditation on the Lord and prayer definitely were our weapons of choice!! I tried to keep gospel music going all the time because that seemed to help as well.
Fear has to take a backseat to Faith!!
She began to allow the Lord to use her mightily. She threw herself into worship. She received the Holy Ghost 4 months after being healed!! She (full-on spontaneous) shouted when the Spirit moved for the first time just a few months after being filled with the Holy Ghost!
She became such a witness for the Lord. We would be in stores or at her dentist or wherever, and she began to tell others of what the Lord had done for her—How He had healed her body!! Perfect strangers would just weep when we told her story. (most of the time, she would start the conversation and I would fill in the details ! 😂)
To this day, her testimony is still touching people!! God is so good. We met a sweet lady the other day and I shared my daughter‘s testimony with her. She later sent me an article about another little girl with a similar story. In fact, the story was nearly identical to my daughter’s in the beginning. Unfortunately, this little girl’s story didn’t have the same happy ending. When her sugar bottomed out in transport, she had massive brain damage. She was never the same. She couldn’t walk or talk. She developed pneumonia soon after and sadly, she passed away in her parents’ arms just a few months later. When I read that story, I bawled like a baby. I can’t explain why some get healed while others do not. I can’t imagine the heartbreak and devastation her family must feel.
But after reading that story, especially with how similar the situation was to my daughter’s, I am even more thankful for the Lord intervening on our behalf.
Recently, the kids’ pediatrician changed health file servers and they switched to a new system.
There was all the results from our daughter’s time in ICU on her chart and on this new system, each bloodwork result was broken down much more in depth than the previous server file allowed. My mom and I looked through all those records. Her original blood work was crazy bad. All her red/white blood cell numbers, platelets, kidney functions, leukocytes, almost every one was messed up— either very low or very high!
We were amazed at how drastically all the blood work turned around in just a few hours!!
We serve an on-time God!!
He is right there when you cry out to Him!
He can give you peace when fear assails you. He can calm the storm that is raging in your mind. He can still the winds ! He can cast out fear!! Cry out to the Master!
-❤️ Tiphanie
(If you haven’t read yesterday’s post, go read that one now!! There is hope on the horizon for us believers! God can help us deal with our fears and anxiety! We can put our trust completely in Him!! He doesn’t change!!
He is faithful!! )
Thanks for sharing the rest of healing and the testimony lives on God is soooo good