Along the same lines as yesterday—today‘s topic is still “Homemaking”
When I was a young wife/mom, I found it difficult to enjoy the housekeeping part of homemaking. I enjoyed the fun parts of being a homemaker, but the household chores felt so overwhelming to me.
I know I can’t be the only one who has ever struggled in this area lol 😂 (come on?? Any raised hands?? 🙋🏼♀️)—I know cleaning house isn’t everybody’s favorite thing to do...
I discovered there is an art to homemaking. More than simply possessing any specific talents/skills or just being a “neat” person , you have to have a desire to become a good homemaker. If you also struggle to enjoy homemaking, I am confident that God can/will help you learn to love serving your family at home if you truly surrender to Him as well.
If you’ve struggled to become a good homemaker or perhaps you simply would like to know why homemaking is so important in a home, ask God to show you. He can open up His Word to you and teach you why Godly homemaking matters so much. He can train you on how to serve selflessly in your home.
Matthew 21:22 — And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
Our perspective can have a vital impact on the quality of our homemaking. What is our attitude like, when it comes to our home and homemaking? Do you look at everyday tasks/chores as tiresome burdens – or as a way to serve your family and make your home a loving, happy, safe place? Do you view your home as a gift from God to be cherished, no matter what the state of it may currently be in?
Is taking care of your home a priority or afterthought? Do you enjoy your home?
Truthfully answering these questions may help you understand your mindset and attitude about your home. Becoming a Godly homemaker has a lot to do with your own feelings about your home and about the people who reside in your home with you.
As the homemaker, you set the atmosphere in your home. Your attitude towards seemingly mundane tasks will influence the rest of your family, especially your children and how they feel about the same things. Your attitude speaks volumes to your family about how you actually feel about being a wife and mother.
What would happen if you made the decision to find joy in the things you may have previously despised? You may say, “Ha, that could never happen to me! I will never enjoy such-and-such chore as long as I live!” and a year ago, I may have even agreed with you myself. But I am living proof that you can, indeed, with the help of the Lord, change that mindset!
As I may have mentioned in previous posts, I used to be terrible with laundry. I hated laundry with my entire being! It wasn’t that I minded the process of actually doing the laundry so much— no, it was the folding and putting away part! I despised it wholeheartedly. Because my mindset was so negative toward this part of laundry, I was already setting myself up for failure in that area.
I realized that in order to become more successful in this area of my home, I needed an attitude adjustment and a mind reset. I knew I couldn’t do it myself. I had tried and tried to do it on my own, time and time again. I had asked other people for their laundry tips. I had researched (and tried!) many “methods to transform your laundry routine” online — nothing could change me!! Oh, some of their tips/tricks may have worked for a week or two but soon, after the motivation/excitement wore off, I was right back where I started..I realized I needed some Divine Help to change.
I know that seems funny — asking God to help you do laundry??!! Just do it already — don’t bother God — but this was an area that I definitely was struggling in and I wanted to overcome. So, why not? So yes, I asked God for His help and direction. He opened up several things to me (and yes, they are simple things —things I should have just known but...🤷🏼♀️)
One being just that— that I had to change my attitude/mindset toward laundry. I would never become a better laundress (?? Is that even a word? ) if I despised the chore so intensely. I realized my hatred for laundry was actually part of the problem and was making the chore that much worse. I began to ask God to help me to enjoy doing laundry 🧺. The second thing He opened up to me was that one main reason the laundry was continually out of hand was my procrastination in completely finishing each load. I would wash/dry a load of load and just fling the clean, dry laundry in a tall laundry hamper to “fold later” —only to do it again and again until the laundry was both overflowing and overwhelming. After realizing this was one of the main issues, I began to fold each load directly from the dryer... skipping the “to fold/put away” hamper all together!
The difference this change alone brought was astronomical!! By simply folding the clothes from the dryer the minute they were dry, I drastically decreased my overall workload. I didn’t have a mountain of laundry to fold and put away. What used to take nearly a full hour, now took a couple of minutes at the max. Wow!!
I have been on this journey for quite a while now... and I can honestly say, “I do actually enjoy doing our laundry now!” (Never would I ever think I would say that!! Miracles do happen!! 😱😱😱)
Why, even when we were on vacation, all the dirty laundry was bugging me so bad. I was itching to do laundry. The Lord blessed us to find a nice hotel that had a guest laundry room I was able to utilized multiple times while we were there. Being able to come home with clean laundry in our suitcase was such a blessing to me that I previously would have never even thought to consider...
Knowing that this was an area I was weak in, and seeing how the Lord has helped me overcome and gain victory over this struggle brings me so much joy. Often, I literally smile as I open the dryer door to fold some fresh, clean laundry or when I open up the laundry room door and I am no longer greeted by mountains of laundry waiting to be dealt with!! These simple actions have become everyday reminders to me now that God cares about even the little things that bother us in life and He will help us if we will look to Him for the help. He is a personal God!! He can take care of the big things, yet He can move on a seemingly insignificant, personal problem as well...
If you, too, are struggling in an area of homemaking, try it out for yourself... Ask God to help you overcome that struggle. Listen to His prompting. Allow Him to change your mindset... Who knows, maybe you will experience an attitude adjustment as well and that chore that was your personal nemesis—your thorn in the flesh will soon become one of your favorite household tasks!!!
-Tiphanie ❤️