I was doing a Bible study and I came across this verse and it really spoke to me.
Exodus 3:14 —And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Throughout history, we know that names were very important. While it isn’t as prevalent today, in years gone by, parents would chose names for their babies based on entirely on meanings. A lot of those babies’ futures rested on the names they chose. In Bible, we can see that the meanings played a big role when parents went to name a child. Abraham named his son of promise “Isaac” because the name means “laughter,” recalling the time his parents laughed at the idea of having a son (Gen.17:17;18:12).
Yet not only were the names of men important in the Bible, God himself had many names recorded in the Bible!! Time and space wouldn’t permit me to get into all His names and their meanings right now… because His names also reveal so much about His nature. The above passage in Exodus recounts the encounter Moses had with the Lord at the burning bush. Having heard the cries of His people (EX. 2:23-25), God appointed Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. When Moses asks God who to tell the people that sent him, God tells him to tell them “I AM that I AM”
(EX. 3:1–14).
That is the name I want to focus on today
— I AM!
“I AM” is in Hebrew “Yahweh”, otherwise known as the tetragrammaton because of the four consonants (yhwh) that make up the phrase.
It is the holiest name for God in the Old Testament, and it was often used in Scripture by when God revealing Himself to His people or when He was making covenants with them. That the Lord has this type of name at all indicates He is personal and has a real relationship with mankind.God’s name here is in the present tense; He says “I AM,” not “I was this, but am now that.”
No! No! no! He is the I AM! —Not the I WAS!!
We may change, but the Word of God tells us that He always remains the same (James 1:17). He is never inconsistent; we can count on His judgement for sin and His mercy for the repentant…He is long suffering and kind. He is full of goodness and mercy toward His people! he longs for a people that will seek Him wholeheartedl!!
It is in God that we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). If the world suddenly ceases to exist, the Lord would continue to live on; He does not need the world, for He Himself upholds all things (Job 34:14-15). God is not contingent on anything else nor was he ever derived from another thing. He has the power of being in Himself alone. He is self-existent, depending on nothing else for His life. God never changes, but He does interact with real people in real history.... It is amazing to me that the God of all glory (with all power!) CHOOSES to interact with you and me!!
He desires to have an intimate relationship with us …. Just like He told Moses to tell the people, he is still the great “I AM” today ! He is wanting us to realize that it’s just who He IS!! He is amazing and awesome! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!! He doesn’t change!! What he did in the Bible days, He can still do today! He is just waiting on a people that are willing to look to Him for all the answers in their lives! He is still the GREAT I AM!!
Whatever the need, He says “I AM” !!
You need an marriage counselor?....
I AM.., the Mighty Counsellor (Isaiah 9:6).
You need an financial expert?
I AM... the God of ALL (Proverbs 22:7)
You need a parenting authority?
I AM…a GOOD FATHER (Matthew 6:26-34)
You need an emotional therapist?
I AM.. He that bindeth up the broken hearted (Psalm 147:3)
You need stress relief ? I AM… the comforter! (Psalm 94:19)
You need a miracle?
I AM…A miracleworker! (John 6:2)
You need deliverance from addictions or depression ?
I AM…the Great Deliverer (Psalms 19:2)
You need a healer?
I AM…the Great Physician! (Exodus 15:26)
You need strength?
I AM …your strength! (Exodus 15:2)
You need assurance?
I AM…your confidence! (Proverbs 3:26)
Fill in the blank… and He is… we just have to start taking Him at His Word and relying on Him for what we need!! Allow God to be God!!
From my heart to yours,
-Tiphanie ❤️