The Lord has sure been stirring up our hearts and our home. He has been challenging us and prodding us to come up higher! So, that’s kinda of what I want to talk about today.
I don’t know about you but it seems like the last few years have been tough. It wasn’t that we wanted to quit or even that we had an desire for anything “of the world”, per say. But the cares of life, distractions, and just the everyday grind had become so overwhelming that instead of “taking ground” spiritually, it was almost as if we just went into survival mode.
In our church, we have lost several strong “pillars” in the last 10 years or so . These men and women of God were very influential in our church. They were the “movers and shakers”. They were prayer warriors. They were faith builders. They were the ones we all looked up to. A lot of times, they were the ones that set the tone/atmosphere of the church. They were completely sold out to God.
I’ll just be honest. When they didn’t get healed in the manner that we thought they would (they received a new body in Glory instead!), it really shook the faith of a lot of us. In our heads, we understood that God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts . We knew God had a plan and despite our lack of understanding, it WAS good. But our hearts were hurting and we didn’t comprehend why God would chose to take these dear saints of God when we needed them the most. So we said all the right things with our “head knowledge”, but our “hurting hearts” were wounded and full of unvoiced questions.
I think that was the beginning or the catalyst of a spiritual famine (mine, at least!) - For several years, it seemed like we just went through the motions. Still praying, still reading, still doing our devotions, being faithful to church, and doing everything that we knew to do— but somewhere along the way, it became mere survival… just hanging on until the Lord returned. The fervent hunger FOR the Lord and for a revival receded and we were just content to be “getting by”—“just trying to survive”— Desire had faded and all that was left was perfunctory duty.
However, the story doesn’t end there!
Thank you, Jesus! In the last 9 months or so, God has begun to stir up the Sizemore nest. There has been some soul searching and spirit feeding going on around here…and the harvest from all that sowing is being to show now—That hunger that once was there for more of God has begun to “grow” again!
Recognizing that the Lord is soon to return, we have begun to dig deep into the wells of Salvation— Begging God to restore once again the joy of HIS Salvation! Going back to feeding the Spirit and starving the flesh! Seeking God with a pure heart with no ulterior motive!
I am reminded once again of Naomi— how she left Bethlehem full and returned empty. The reason her family left Bethlehem may have been because of the famine, but many others in Bethlehem stayed right there, persevered, and waited the famine out—
Bethlehem may have went through a famine and it may have even lasted for 10 years, but THERE CAME A DAY!!! Hallejuah! Naomi got word over there in Moab— THERE WAS BREAD BACK IN BETHLEHEM!! God is once again visiting His people!! I can imagine her thoughts as she started the long journey back home. She must have had doubts, fears, and uncertainty but she still had enough "life" left down inside her soul to recognize where she needed to be and to attempt to get there.
Likewise, as Christians, we may have been in a spiritual "dry place" and we may even have been here a while, but like Naomi, we must shake ourselves and allow that little bit of "life" to get stirred up again.
If you’re looking your spiritual condition and feeling like a failure because you are just barely surviving, take a moment to remind yourself that there’s no such thing as a revival without first a survival . In the end, suffering through those seasons of “survival” are the some of the greatest victories you will ever achieve. I know merely surviving doesn’t really feel like an achievement. Sometimes when we go through these seasons of survival, it can almost feel like we are sitting on death row awaiting for our fate.
While “surviving” is important, there comes a point where we must swallow our pride and recognize that while we may be surviving,
“we ain’t a thrivin’.” (In Kentucky twang…lol 😂) We must be honest with ourselves (and with God!) and quit denying that we need a spiritual revival in our souls! That is the first step to revival— to recognize our own spiritual deterioration and desire a change. (And be willing to do whatever it takes to get there!! Repentance and Humility play vital roles as well!)
The Psalmist tells us of his own personal story of spiritual survival--when he got his eyes on the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73:2-3). He almost gave up (or backslid!) but thankfully, we read where he went into the house of the Lord and there he realized that their prosperity was just temporary. There was coming a payday! The wicked may seem to be "living it up" now, but it doesn't last...He saw the end of the wicked.
When he saw and understood their end, it gave him the strength to hang on a little longer --to regroup and "draw near to God and put his trust in the Lord" .... (Psalm 73:17-28).
Staying close to God is the key to survival in the worst of times. When you’re gut-punched and your whole world feels shaken, stay close to God. Stay in prayer. Stay in church. Stay submitted. Stay in the Word. Stay faithful. Keep doing what you know to do!! And Don’t quit!!
You will survive! No one has ever backslidden while they were reading the Word and seeking the face of God. Even when you don't understand or you don't know what else to do, just trust God and do what you know to do.
Just stand!
The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6.
...and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore...
11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Just “wait on God !!
Isaiah 40:31
[31] But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Despite what we sometimes believe, it’s ok to be in survival mode at times. The Bible is full of ordinary people who endured terrible hardships, but they "survived" their way back to revival. The woman with the issue of blood had to crawl her way to her revival/healing (Mark 5:25-34). Noah and his family spent over a year on a ark surviving a worldwide flood (Genesis 7:11-13, Genesis 8:14-20). Jonah survived a mess of his own making (Jonah 1:1-17). David spent eight long years surviving being relentlessly pursued by King Saul. Apostle Paul was shipwrecked, stoned, beaten, imprisoned, and survived vicious attack after vicious attack. The list is almost endless, but they all had one thing in common; they endured those hardships without quitting or giving up.
Once you quit, the possibility for revival goes to zero. That’s what the Bible means when it says, “…and having done all, to stand therefore. Stand… (Ephesians 6:13-14)”.
Sometimes “just standing” in that moment takes more courage than even moving forward. Refusing to give up in the face of crushing defeat takes more courage than winning with ease. Paul couldn’t have known that revival was about to break out on the island of Malta while he was hanging onto broken pieces of a ship (Acts 27:44). He just held on until the storm was over and by faith, he found his way into an unexpected revival.
There is a cycle (or pattern) to life. We can see it running throughout these stories (and many others) in the Bible. The same process plays out in our lives today as well: surviving, reviving, thriving (or growing), and repeating the cycle. We’re always in one season or another. We don't know how long each season will last but we know that every mountain we climb is proof that we just survived a valley. Thankfully, every crossed valley prepares us for the next valley, and every climbed mountain gives us confidence that we can survive the valley to get to next mountain top.
Did you know the phrase “And it came to pass….” is said to be found in the King James Bible an whopping 396 times! It should remind us that the situations we face in life don’t come to stay; they come to pass. Those hard times and crisis we go through don’t come to stay, but instead, they will pass. We must remember the trials and tests we face in life won’t last forever. One day we will look back on them and realize they were all part of God’s plan. God uses trials and tests to make and mold us into the people He wants us to be. We must stay focused on God and not give up. Difficult times will not destroy us (if we stay close to God), but they will build character in us. One day when someone is going through a similar trial, we will be able to encourage them. We will be a help to that person because we can truly relate to what they are facing. God will be able to get glory out of our struggles. WE can turn those trials into testimonies of His delivering Power.
So, here’s a key to remind us how to survive the valley seasons of life.
We must always remember:
Every valley is an opportunity for another victory.
Every season of survival is
another chance for fresh revival.
WE will be revived, and We will thrive AGAIN!!
There is no valley too deep or too wide. These current trials and struggles
won't last forever.
The mountain top is in view...
WE are coming out of this!!
I truly believe we are living in the last Days!
But the future is not all doom and gloom!! OUR future is bright!! We have a blessed HOPE!!
Titus 2:13—Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Here are some more promises and
some Words of Hope for us to hang on to until we reach the summit of Mt. Revival !!
Joel 2:25-29
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. [26] And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. [27] And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. [28] And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: [29] And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
Acts 2:17-18
[17] And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: [18] And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
So remember, troubles don’t come to stay forever, they come to pass.
Don’t get weary in well doing!!
2 Thessalonians 3:13— But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
Galatians 6:9
…let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Don’t get discouraged!!
It’s just about “reaping” or harvest time once again! Let’s allow God to “give us Power and to increase our strength”
Isaiah 40:28-31
[28] Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. [29] He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. [30] Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: [31] But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
There is another mountain top in view!!
We aren’t going down defeated!!
We are already victorious!
We know how the story ends!
We just have to get our focus back on God and allowing Him to “change” our hearts and make us more like Him.
Will you BELIEVE it with me ?
[18] Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. [19] Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. [20] For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Let’s start just taking God at His Word!
Let’s believe God for a present day revival that will change our hearts, stir our homes, restore marriages/ fractured friendships, and bring in our backsliders and save the lost.
As we look around us, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the old clock of time is ticking closer and closer to midnight. We are about to leave here!! I want to be ready!! I want to be on fire for God! I want to be watching! I want to be praying! I want to have faith again!!
Luke 18:8 —…Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
From my heart to yours,
-Tiphanie ❤️🙏🏼
🎶 This song was on my heart
while writing this article🎶
That’s No Mountain For a Climber
… I looked at that mountain
that stood in my way Would this be my last climb,
would this be my fate? How my heart beat so fearful,
what challenge awaits But, strength rose up in me,
God's power and grace
… That's no mountain for a climber I know what awaits at the peak Jesus is there watching over,
to see if his help I need He makes sure that his dear precious children Don't fall by the trial so steep That's no mountain for a climber When the maker of the mountain
is standing by me
… I beheld all the footprints
that had been there before Up through the cliffs and the rocks
til' I could see them no more And, I wondered what brave ones would challenge such feat God said "It's the saints, child,
that's gone on before thee
… by Gerald Crabb